UGR, La Palma Cooperative and company Vellsam create a joint Chair
It will be entitled “Nutrition, health and innovation in the production and consumption of vegetables”.
The rector of the University of Granada, Pedro Mercado Pacheco, the president of the Cooperative La Palma, Pedro Ruiz García, and the manager of the company Vellsam Materias Bioactivas, María Zamora Cervantes, have signed the agreement decreeing the Chair “Nutrition, health and innovation in the production and consumption of vegetables”.
The La Palma Cooperative has among its objectives the production and marketing of fruits and vegetables of its members, as well as the development of food products based on these products. Innovation is present in all areas of the cooperative, working on both new products and new industrial processes.
On the other hand, the company Vellsam Materias Bioactivas has among its objectives the research, design and production of biotechnological solutions (biostimulants and plant nutrients) with the aim of improving the way in which food is grown in a large part of the world.
The Chair will carry out different activities, such as research on the health impact of vegetable consumption, particularly tomato varieties produced under different fertigation conditions and the use of biostimulants; training activities, such as the organization of workshops, conferences and seminars, support for the completion of Final Degree and Master’s Degree Projects, or support for labor market insertion through the integration of students for external internships; and dissemination activities, such as the organization of technical and technological dissemination conferences, the promotion of national and international meetings or scientific publications on topics of interest within the scope of the Chair.